be vulnerable, raw and embrace it.

Thank you for visiting. You must be caught up in an intense love bubble for something new and precious.


As women, our bodies are extraordinary. We deserve to acknowledge the natural changes that allow us to bond with something so small inside of us. Maternity sessions are generally booked from 32-35 weeks, depending on how comfortable mother and baby are feeling. I am aware birth plans don’t always follow accordingly. Only you know your body therefore, rescheduling can always be arranged.

LIFESTYLE Newborn Sessions

Whether it be your first baby or your fifth, every little bundle you welcome into this world is unique. All their edible little people details are worth capturing – from their toes to their fingers, chubby croissant legs and first facial expressions. Newborn sessions are generally booked between day 1 and day 7. Again, postponing can be arranged, should you require more time to settle back into your home environment.

Patience, creating a relaxed environment and adapting to challenges are all necessities when it comes to creating a narrative for your little addition – I have all three! I may not have children myself (we are working on it!), but I am a qualified Early Years Educator and was a Room Leader in a Baby’s Room for two years!





1 & 2 hour Sessions
1 Location
20 high resolution digitals
Online Gallery




2 hour Session
1 Location – comfort of your home or suitable outdoor location
30 high resolution digitals
Online Gallery




2 sessions Maternity and Newborn
Per session includes the following:
1 Hour Session
20 high resolution digitals
Online Gallery




30 Minute Session
1 Location
5 high resolution digitals
Online Gallery

*option to purchase additional images.

I can imagine how intense your new little love bubble can be. That is why most of my new parents select my 2 hour sessions. The last thing you need is to feel rushed straight after welcoming a newborn into this world. 

Slow and intentional is my nature and these early days can become unpredictable, so please, no need to feel rushed. After all, I am here for you, to document these precious moments.

Mini Sessions

Mini sessions are available for any of my provided services. Please get in touch to find out more.

Have that someone special you need to purchase a gift for? Contact me about my Gift Vouchers!